Age Spots


Age spots (also known as sun spots) are small areas of discolouration (hyper-pigmentation) that frequently appear on the face, hands and other parts of the body regularly exposed to the sun.

About this condition

Age spots (also known as sun spots) are small areas of discolouration (hyper-pigmentation) that frequently appear on the face, hands and other parts of the body regularly exposed to the sun.

Hyper- pigmentation is a common condition whereby melanin – a natural pigment in skin – is overproduced causing dark spots and uneven skin tones. Hyper-pigmentation can affect the skin colour of people of any skin complexion though it is more frequent in people of darker skin types. There is no gender bias.

Usually found on the hands, face and décolleté, or other areas frequently exposed to the sun, age spots are small, flat, darkened patches of skin (light brown to black in colour). They tend to appear on areas of skin that are most exposed to sun, such as the back of the hands, face, forearms, forehead and shoulders. The appearance of pigment spots can make sufferers feel less self-conscious, particularly given their association with ageing.

Although pigment spots are usually harmless certain forms can be life-threatening, as in the case of melanoma. Therefore a regular dermatological assessment of the skin for pigment spots is advisable.

What causes age spots?

Pigment spots are caused by increased activity of melanocytes, the melanin-producing cells located in the basal layer of the epidermis. The major determinant of skin colour is not the number, but rather the activity of these melanocytes.

Within the melanocytes are pigment granules, called melanosomes, which contain tyrosinase (the pigmentation enzyme that is key to the melanin production) and synthesised melanin. These are transported from the melanocytes to keratinocytes – at approximately 30 keratinocytes per melanocyte.

What treatments are available?

There are two main concepts used by therapists: removal of the skin discolouration caused by hyper-pigmentation and regulation of the signs.

We also offer chemical peels, however, we would need a prior consultation to customise your treatment.

At Debora's Beauty Studio, our treatments vary depending on each person and the condition of the skin. Please call and book for a consultation where Debora can assess your skin and advise you on what treatments/packages will be available to suit your needs.

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