Debora Bonetti

Director of Aesthetics

Latest Posts
The Benefits of The Swedish Massage

In Sweden, "Swedish massage" is simply known as "classic massage". And that is exactly what it is -- a classic treatment which represents the western standard for massage.

10 Different Types Of Facial Cleasings We Recommend

A facial isn't just a facial. Your skin is unique to you and with this blog, we will have you navigate through the different types of facials we offer and a quick summary of the ones highly recommended by Debora.

What Type Of Massage Is The Best For Me?

Getting a massage is not simply a matter of lying face down on a table and letting a therapist start working. There are many different types of massages, each designed to deal with different issues.

How to Look Younger Without Surgery In 20 Days

While plastic surgery is more popular than ever, going under the knife comes with considerable risks (and a hefty price tag) that make it undesirable for some. Luckily, it is possible to restore a youthful glow without surgery.

About Me

Our head therapist is Debora Bonetti. Having studied skin care in California, she has transferred her endless skill set to London. A rare and talented therapist, Debora specialises in ALL that is beauty. Her main speciality though is caring for you and ensuring you have a wonderful experience at the beauty studio.

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