Love Handles


Love handles can affect women and men of all ages. Also known as a ‘muffin top’, its an accumulation of excess fat extending from your stomach around your waistline and flanks.

About this condition

Also known as ‘flanks’ or ‘muffin top’, love handles are the bulges or pockets of fat that can start to appear on or around the waist, hips, sides and back as we age. Causes may be lifestyle related e.g. lack of exercise, poor diet, excess alcohol consumption etc. or may be genetic or hormonal. This condition can affect both men and women of almost any age. Love handles often become more noticeable when tight clothing is worn and are difficult to get rid of through exercise alone. Many people therefore come to us for treatment advice.

Love handle treatment with Debora is one of the most popular at her beauty studio.

Love handles can be a very stubborn area of fat to shift, and most likely it is resistant to dieting or exercise. If you are looking for non-surgical treatments that are proven to work and can help reduce your love handles then we can help.

Treatments we offer:

  • Universal body contour;
  • Radio frequency;
  • LPG endermologie; &
  • Hammer cell.

However, with all treatments a prior consultation will be needed with Debora to ensure she can provide the right package for your needs.

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